Leveraging our domestically successful commercialization processes and internationally recognized technology,
we are expanding into global markets with plans to dominate as a service provider in Smart Cities.
Leveraging our domestically successful commercialization processes and internationally recognized technology,
we are expanding into global markets with plans to dominate as a service provider in Smart Cities.
The 'COSMO' Project is a national smart infrastructure initiative led by Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).
*COSMO: COnnected Smart MObility Project
In January 2023, Autonomous a2z secured the COSMO Project and began establishing the 'a2z LiDAR Infra System' at Singapore's only autonomous vehicle test bed, 'NTU CETRAN'. This initiative aims to implement a cooperative autonomous driving demonstration project using C-V2X based on 5G communication.
Singapore has a high demand for technology companies and a high rate of C-ITS infrastructure deployment, making it an ideal country for integrating LiDAR Infra Systems.
World No. 1Autonomous Vehicle Consumer Acceptance and Policy Development | World No. 2C-ITS Infrastructure Deployment | World No. 8Autonomous Driving Technology Development |
세계 1위자율주행 소비자 수용성 및 정책 구축 | 세계 2위C-ITS 인프라 구축 | 세계 8위자율주행 기술개발 |
Company Technology Mobility Service Careers↗ |
주소본사 경북 경산시 하양읍 가마실길 50, 실습동(38428) | SNS네이버블로그 ↗인스타그램 ↗ 페이스북 ↗ 링크드인 ↗ 유튜브 ↗ | 오토노머스에이투지 | 대표자 한지형 | 대표번호 070-5066-4910 | 사업자등록번호 282-81-01099 |
SNS 네이버블로그 ↗ | Company Technology Mobility Service Careers↗ 개인정보처리방침 서비스이용약관 브랜드 센터 |
본사 경북 경산시 하양읍 가마실길 50, 실습동 |