무인 자율주행 중 문제가 발생했을 경우 원격으로 차량을 제어하여 도로 교통에 영향을 끼치지 않기 위한 원격제어주행 기술을 개발하였으며, 자율주행 차량의 위치 및 상태정보, 교통 데이터를 실시간으로 확인할 수 있는 관제시스템을 운영하고 있습니다.
To overcome the limitations of autonomous vehicle sensors and achieve safer autonomous driving,
we have developed our own road infrastructure system (V2X), providing real-time traffic conditions
and hazard information to autonomous vehicles and control centers.
We have developed remote control driving technology to manage vehicles
autonomously in case of issues, preventing disruptions to road traffic.
Our monitoring system provides real-time location, status information,
and traffic data for autonomous vehicles.
We plan to dominate the market as the primary service provider
by collaborating with all B2B and B2G operators within smart cities.
스마트 시티 내 모든 B2B, B2G 사업자와 협업을 선점하여, 스마트 시티 내 모든 서비스 프로바이더로 시장을 점유해갈 계획입니다.
We plan to dominate the market as the primary service provider
by collaborating with all B2B and B2G operators within smart cities.
Sejong CityNational Demonstration City (5-1 Living Area)
Haenam CountyNational Regional Hub Smart City (Solaseado)
BusanNational Demonstration City (EDC)
BusanOsiria Tourism Complex
Capital RegionLH 3rd New Towns
UlsanSmart City
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Urban Development Projects Infrastructure Services: Communication/Control/Construction | Local Government Public Projects Cleaning Vehicles/Patrol Vehicles/Accessibility Services | Logistics Business Unmanned Delivery, Unmanned Logistics Hub Services | Transportation Business Unmanned Public Transportation Services | Urban Regeneration Projects Expanding Smart City Development Services |
Company Technology Mobility Service Careers↗ |
주소본사 경북 경산시 하양읍 가마실길 50, 실습동(38428) | SNS네이버블로그 ↗인스타그램 ↗ 페이스북 ↗ 링크드인 ↗ 유튜브 ↗ | 오토노머스에이투지 | 대표자 한지형 | 대표번호 070-5066-4910 | 사업자등록번호 282-81-01099 |
SNS 네이버블로그 ↗ | Company Technology Mobility Service Careers↗ 개인정보처리방침 서비스이용약관 브랜드 센터 |
본사 경북 경산시 하양읍 가마실길 50, 실습동 |